Take the word sun:
Our tool funds 405 words that are used to say “sun”.
We then see this word in 103 languages side by side.
Even water has 227 words.
Moon a mere 352:
We made the synonym explorer to illustrate the immense richness of Sanskrit synonyms. It would be sound to say that no other language has so many synonyms. The formation of nouns as qualities of an object rather than an abstract word not related to the object means a word such as sun could have more than 400 words for it. In English we say sun or maybe solar or helio sometimes but Sanskrit has a vast array of words such as abhīṣumat, abjabāndhava, abjahasta, abjinīpati, ādideva, āditeya, ādityā, adri, aga, agira, aharbāndhava, aharmaṇi, aharpati, ahaskara, ahi etc. Our tool allows you to generate synonyms in Sanskrit for an English word and then parallel that word against an array of the same word in 103+ languages of the world. You will often see similarities and sometimes the identical word will be there for example sambandha (relationship in Sanskrit) and sambandið (relationship in Icelandic).
- Explore synonyms in Sanskrit
- 103+ languages
- See the construction of the word